Tuesday 15 May 2007

How do you define success?

Would you say you are successful? How do you know - in what way would you define success as a Mother, in your work and home life?

Personally, I feel successful with each and every little new thing my two year old daughter, Milly learns. My heart swells with pride as I witness each new achievement. She sang 'Happy Birthday', (OK so it was to her Tickle-me-elmo!!) today and I thought this was simply amazing!

I feel successful in my business when I make my customers happy. I have had ups and downs with my business as I am sure anyone who runs their own business has, but when people say to me how much they love my website, concept or creation I feel like I have achieved something wonderful! I don't make a huge amount of money from my business but it does add to my husbands income and helps us live a little more comfortably than we would without it. I get so excited and feel so successful when anyone asks to review my website/business....it's an amazing feeling knowing that others want to talk about what you do!

.....and the thing that makes me feel most successful is that I am able to spend time at home with my daughter and add a little to our income. I did this myself, I thought of and created my own business....I know how lucky I am to be in this position but believe me, it has take hard work and a lot of commitment.

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